Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ebony Utley's talk on "Rap,Religion and Women"

Ebony Utley's talk on Rap, Religion and Women. In the beginning of her talk Utley said "We all have gangstas inside us". Her definition foe the word was a symbol of what it means to be larger than life and becoming the best person we could possibly be.
Utley said it was a symbol of what it meant to be larger than life, the equivalence of God for religious people which caught my attention because I am very religious and I depend on God to get me through my daily struggles. 

I admit I had always thought of the word gangsta in a negative, ragged street-life kind of way, but after listening to her interpretation of the word I feel like in a way I stereotyped it.Which is ironic because I hate stereotypes but I'm human just like you. Furthermore I always thought gangstas just did what they wanted to or what they felt like they had to in order to survive and show off the shiny toys, but now I know it's more to the word.

 Knowing the different definitions of words is important because it's the root of many misinterpretated conversations everyday. The saying-->Its not what you say but how you say it is a good summary of the message I'm trying to get across. i consider myself a open-minded and understanding person but i still stereotyped a group of people based on nothing but my own definition of the word.


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