Sunday, September 30, 2012

Good Hair Does Not Exis...OPinions Do !

Its amazing that people will always find something there unhappy with...Even in the most incredibly positive situations. Above is a picture of Gabby Douglas, a 16 year old Olympian that took home gold at the 2012 Olympics. Instead of focusing on her talents the media chose to focus on her appearance (Like it made her any less of an Olympian), the level of ignorance and obsession that people have with the surface of things is beyond me.
 In the picture below someone has managed to ridicule everything about Gabby in this picture. If this was a white or light girl I don't think there would even be a discussion about her hair style.
 I can't help but connect the acceptance of lighter skin and straighter hair to slave times when whites would allow the light skinned blacks to work in the house while the darker skinned ones were only used for field work. Basically whoever appeared more white was treated more like a human being and whoever didn't was worked,traded and treated like an animal. It was a creative tactic that pinned blacks on blacks and created a tension within the Black community that unfortunately still exists today.
           Why are we mocking white slave owners ?
Instead of focusing on how the Black Americans look, let's focus on what they accomplish. 
Because at the end of the day WHY DOES IT MATTER ?


  1. Love the Willy Wonka Quote "... tell me again how awesome your hair was when YOU made history" Case in point, criticisms muted. As the old colloquial saying goes "Haters gonna Hate". Sometimes you have to just sit back and laugh at how superficial society can reveal itself to be.

    1. Exactly it's sooo damn sad how ridiculous people can be -_-
